Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday 7th

It rained through the night but this morning the sun is shining.

Up early and put the damp clothes back on the lines and hopefully they will be dry for me when we come home.
Went out to see Mum this morning. She was better than she had been through the week. Took her into Warrawong for a look around and to have her coffee.
Back in the car, she had a sleep as she said she was tired.
Back to The Links and she only has 15 minutes until lunch time. We left her and went to see Wally & Helen but there was no-one home. Came on the Woolworths and got a few things then home for lunch and will remake the beds. It is getting overcast so will write more later when the washing is off the line and the beds are made. It is just 1pm.
Had our lunch and started to do some sewing. Sandy said he would do an hour in the back yard.
He came in about 3 and said he didn't feel well. I told him to have a shower as he had done enough.
All happened in the next 1/4 hour. He was having a heart attack and I didn't realise.
He asked me to take him down to Bulli Hospital but it ws closed. Said he wanted to go to Wollongong Hospital but by the time I got to the traffic lights (about 500 yards down from Bulli Hospital, he wanted to go back home and ring "000".
They arrived and worked with him and then took him to Wollongong Hospital.
Ben (next door) drove me in my car and we followed the ambulance.

This is being written on Friday afternoon. I haven't had a chance to keep this posted but will do so before I go to see him tomorrow in Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney.

Saturday 6th

Decided to strip all the beds (except ours) and get them ready for when they all come home. Got the washing done and on the line (including some washing on Nerri's line). Got some tidying up done while Sandy went down the road to get the few groceries we need.
It is overcast but, fingers crossed, the washing will dry.
Not a lot doing today so will scrub the shower and then have my shower.
Sandy is going to mow the lawns before it rains. Nerri is calling me to get the washing as it is starting to rain. Wouldn't you know it!!
Got the boy's school clothes on the line in the garage and the rest can go out tomorrow, hopefully.
Not an exciting day but at least we are here.
Andrew left early this morning to go to Sydney. He has a luncheon for work and he will stay in Sydney for the night and come home tomorrow.
Made tea for the 2 of us and watched the 4 Nations League between Australia and New Zealand, and later tonight, the Wallabies play Wales in the Union. As it is on late, we will probably get it again tomorrow.
Into bed and read for a while and will write more tomorrow.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday 5th

Simon gave the 2 boys the day off school as him and Lou were taking the 3 boys camping until Monday late. Simon and Lou aren't working until Tuesday next week. The boys are really excited about going away. They are only going down to the Shoalhaven River where they have rented a cabin for the 4 days. Simon has fishing lines for them all and costumes to go swimming. I hope the rain stays away for them. They should have a great time.

Grandad and Nanna are on their own for the 4 days so housework needs to be done, but we'll wait and see what eventuates.

Sandy & me went down to supervise our last Higher School Certificate exam this morning. It was Biology and went for 3 hours. There were only 33 students sitting for it. Next week starts the School Certificate and we have 2 full days and 1 half day. It goes for 2 weeks and then all exams are finished.

Home again and having lunch while I write this report.
As Andrew is on his way home but not for tea, it is just the 2 of us. He didn't get in until 9 but we had had our tea. Watched the cricket then went to bed.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday 4th

It rained through the night again. It is overcast but not too bad. Jack and Ty took Noah to school on the bus this morning. Natalie goes to meet her sister in Hawaii tomorrow. Her sister comes from USA so I would like to be a fly on the wall when they meet. She is only away for a week and Greg's Mum and Dad are coming up to help Greg mind Noah and Kennedy.
Did some ironing this morning until it was time to have a shower and go to get my hair cut at 12.
Hair grows and you can't do a thing with it.
Sandy went in to see his Mum this morning. She was still having a confused day. He stayed long enough as she couldn't be bothered doing anything.
He came home and had his lunch and I came in about an hour later.
Finished off the ironing and waited for the boys to come in from school.
All I seem to write about is getting up, boys going to school, who is where etc.
Simon is working late tonight. He starts at 2.15 and goes until 9.15pm. Needless to say, there is only the 4 of us for tea. The boys are going to make their own pizza and I will make one for Grandad and me. They are quite interested in each making their own. Jack has cabonassi, bacon, 2 cheeses and Ty has pineapple pieces & bacon with small amounts of 2 cheeses.
It is just 4.45 so will away and get our tea ready and Jack & Ty can get theirs ready too.
The pizzas were yummo and Jack & Ty ate a whole one each. They followed this up with ice cream then a cup of tea. Where do they put it all?
Watched some TV then into bed.

Wednesday 3rd

It is overcast again today. I went into town after Sandy had gone to the gym. Went down to The Links to get measurements for Mum's stockings. They come in all sizes so this is necessary!!!!
Went to Hospital Hill Pharmacy and the lady was really nice there. She knew what I was after and then took them back down to Mum. She was having a confused day. Walked her to the dining room and left her to have her lunch.
Came on back to the Financial Adviser. Signed my life away on about 30 pages. Had to get more original documents but went to the Credit Union and they gave them to me. Saved Sandy having to go in tomorrow.
Came on home and Sandy was home before me. He had his lunch and I went down the road to get some things for tea.
Andrew is going to Melbourne today for work. He leaves on the 4pm plane and won't be home until tomorrow on the 5pm plane into Sydney. Just a quick trip.
The boy's came from school and had a lazy afternoon. Nothing doing other than getting tea ready. Simon will be in soon and we can have tea.
We watched some TV then went to bed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday 2nd

It rained all night and is still raining now. The boys have gone to school and Simon has gone to meet Lou and have coffee before she starts her work.
I had a Dr's appointment to check up on a spot on my face. Everything if OK and the Dr just froze it. She said it is probably dry skin but wanted to take precautions.
It is so cold again. The weather is crazy. One day is beautiful and hot and the next is raining and cold. Not a bit of wonder there are so many colds about.
The Dr's surgery was packed this morning. Tried to get Mum's stockings but I will drop Sandy at the gym tomorrow and go into town and get them.
Ended up getting the washing done and dried. The day is going so fast.
I watched some TV this afternoon while waiting for the boys to come in from school. Simon is off today but will be at work tomorrow.
Boys in and had afternoon tea. Not a lot doing so will write again tomorrow.

Monday 1st November

Got off to an early start this morning. Natalie and Greg have an early appointment with Kennedy in Sydney and she asked yesterday if Noah could have breakfast with us and catch the bus to school with Jack and Ty. They would drop him over to us about 7.15am. He ended coming across at 7.45 as they had slept in. Poor little Noah was still half asleep. He only had a slice of toast with vegemite and an apple juice, and they was an effort to eat. They all went off to school and I got ready as I was on High School canteen.
Went down about 8.30 and had a great day. I really enjoy doing the canteens. I get to see Hannah with Jack at the High School and Sophie with Ty at the Primary school.
Simon is off work today as it is his Rostered Day Off and again tomorrow. He only works Wednesday and Thursday this week and then he is off for 4 days. Simon and Lou are taking the boys away camping for the 4 days and it will be a surprise for the 3 boys as they don't know anything about this. They are going early Friday morning and coming back late on Monday afternoon.
Got home this afternoon from canteen about 3, just ahead of the bus. It looks like it is going to rain.
Got a few things for tea on the way home as we are only having vegetables and bar-b-que chops. I seem a bit slack this afternoon but it will fill them up.
Andrew rang to say he is still at work and will get something there but will be home later.
Had our tea and watched some TV. Andrew came in about 8 and the boys and me went to bed and left them at it.