Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday 5th

Simon gave the 2 boys the day off school as him and Lou were taking the 3 boys camping until Monday late. Simon and Lou aren't working until Tuesday next week. The boys are really excited about going away. They are only going down to the Shoalhaven River where they have rented a cabin for the 4 days. Simon has fishing lines for them all and costumes to go swimming. I hope the rain stays away for them. They should have a great time.

Grandad and Nanna are on their own for the 4 days so housework needs to be done, but we'll wait and see what eventuates.

Sandy & me went down to supervise our last Higher School Certificate exam this morning. It was Biology and went for 3 hours. There were only 33 students sitting for it. Next week starts the School Certificate and we have 2 full days and 1 half day. It goes for 2 weeks and then all exams are finished.

Home again and having lunch while I write this report.
As Andrew is on his way home but not for tea, it is just the 2 of us. He didn't get in until 9 but we had had our tea. Watched the cricket then went to bed.

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