Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday 1st November

Got off to an early start this morning. Natalie and Greg have an early appointment with Kennedy in Sydney and she asked yesterday if Noah could have breakfast with us and catch the bus to school with Jack and Ty. They would drop him over to us about 7.15am. He ended coming across at 7.45 as they had slept in. Poor little Noah was still half asleep. He only had a slice of toast with vegemite and an apple juice, and they was an effort to eat. They all went off to school and I got ready as I was on High School canteen.
Went down about 8.30 and had a great day. I really enjoy doing the canteens. I get to see Hannah with Jack at the High School and Sophie with Ty at the Primary school.
Simon is off work today as it is his Rostered Day Off and again tomorrow. He only works Wednesday and Thursday this week and then he is off for 4 days. Simon and Lou are taking the boys away camping for the 4 days and it will be a surprise for the 3 boys as they don't know anything about this. They are going early Friday morning and coming back late on Monday afternoon.
Got home this afternoon from canteen about 3, just ahead of the bus. It looks like it is going to rain.
Got a few things for tea on the way home as we are only having vegetables and bar-b-que chops. I seem a bit slack this afternoon but it will fill them up.
Andrew rang to say he is still at work and will get something there but will be home later.
Had our tea and watched some TV. Andrew came in about 8 and the boys and me went to bed and left them at it.

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