Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday 31st

The last day of the month. It will soon be Christmas. Another year ready to start.
This morning is overcast and we are going into see Mum. Andrew has taken Sophie to Homebush for her swimming carnival. He left this morning about 7 and won't be home until about 8.
We went to see Mum and she wasn't having a very good day. We got the 1000 mile stare. We took her for coffee into Figtree but she wanted the bathroom so we came on back.
We went to the Chemist in Figtree to try and get her some surgical stockings as her varicose veins are really sore and painful and bothering her. We couldn't get them so when we went back to The Links, we told Adel (one of the carers) and she said she would write it in the diary for the EN in the morning. We will wait to find out what we have to do.
Went then to see Wally and Helen. We are having lunch here with them and Le and Lien and also Robyn and Doug. I have given them 2 dates to choose from.
Came on home and rang Simon as today is Halloween. He is coming out later and bringing the 3 boys for Trick or Treat. The street has it from 5 - 8 and you put a poster on your front fence/letterbox if you want children to call. Sandy went and got packets of wrapped lollies to give them. Apparently they had about 100 children last year. This is my 1st time in about 4 years to be here as I am always in Tasmania and Sandy does it on his own. Down the road they have decorated their driveway as a haunted house for the kids. It is magic to watch and they have hung ghosts (using sheets) across the road (on the wires) and the wind blows them and they look so real.
When Simon and Lou came, sometime later we will have pasta as the boys will, no doubt, fill up with lollies. At least they can have pasta and crusty bread later.
It is really hot here now. About 28 degrees with the sun shining.
Will write more later.
Just to finish this blog. Simon, Lou and boys came out about 3.30. They had been to the beach as it was so hot today. They had their showers and are waiting for 5 so they can Trick or Treat.
There were so many people in the street. We must have had about 200 children and they were dressed up wonderfully. As I said before, I hadn't had Halloween for about 4 years so I was really impressed. We ran out of lollies so Simon and Lou drove down the road and got more. After 8 we had our tea and then Lou took Jordon home and we hit the beds. What a good day and Halloween was too.

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