Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday 23rd

We got up and had our breakfast in the hotel. It was part of the package. They had a buffet style breakfast and you could come and go back as many times as you wanted. I think we got there at a good time as the crowd started to come in. They only do a breakfast as they don't have a restaurant, as such and you have to stay there to have your breakfast.
We asked if we could leave our bag at Reception while we walked around Sydney again. They charge $2 per bag to leave there. The hotel is just near Central Station so it was handy for us for when we are going home.
We got a train down to Circular Quay (we can use train/ferry/bus for $2.50 Senior Citizen all day) and looked to see what time we could go over to Manly. The ferry didn't leave for another 1/2 hour so we walked around and saw the Seaview Princess at the overseas terminal. It is much bigger than the one we went one around the Greek Islands.
Went to The Rocks markets. They are great and a bit more up market the Paddy's. A lot of their products are home made and quite exquisite.
Walked back to the ferry and went over to Manly. I love Manly. Walked along the Corso and being a Saturday, there were people everywhere. We ended up finding a restaurant where we had our lunch. Sandy had battered fish and I had marinated Angus ribs. They were absolutely beautiful and just fell off the bone.
Walked back to the ferry and on the way I found a Earth Ware shop which was closing down. Seems all the places I find are closing down. Ended up with a t'shirt and a white 'large' blouse.
Back to the ferry and back to Sydney. We had worked out the time the train left Central to take us back home. 2.30 from Central & into Bulli @ 4.
Got back to Central and had about 1/2 hour until train left. Sandy went back to the hotel to get our bag and I waited at the station.
When he came back we had about 5 minutes to get to platform 25. We flew down the stairs (of which there was about 6 flights) and the train was in the station. We jumped on and the old boy was wet with perspiration from rushing to get back. Got our breaths and the train took off.
Sandy said how dirty the train was and then the driver announced where we were going and I thought "Oops, we are on the wrong train".
This train was going to Cronulla and not our way. We looked at each other and guess who was at fault. Obviously not him so he blamed me. He said this would make good reading. As you know, when things go wrong, it is always my fault.
We worked out we could get off at Hurstville or Sutherland. As it started to rain, we though Hurstville would be better as it is underground.
By the time we got to Hurstville the rain had stopped, so Sandy decided to go onto Sutherland station. As the train stopped (for 15 seconds), he then decided to get out and wait for our "proper" train (which was about 10 minutes behind). I just follow.
We ended up getting our train back to Thirroul and we changed at Thirroul and got another train to Bulli. Got home exhausted but had a good weekend.
Ended up doing a load of washing and as Andrew had done a load and was on the line, there wasn't as much as I thought.
There was only the 2 of us for tea so had a nibble. We had already had a big lunch so wasn't all that hungry.
Watched some TV then I fell into bed and the old boy wasn't far behind.

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