Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday 26th

The boys have gone to school and I am off to do High School canteen. I really enjoy doing this as the High School is different from the Public School, in regards to everything. They have so much to choose from at the High School. I am getting used to what they want where as before, if they asked for anything, I had to ask is it a drink, ice block, lollies etc. I have never seen so much food. I got home from canteen just in front of the boys. I only beat them home by 1/2 hour.

I rang Marilyn & John as she had rang earlier. They were waiting for their plane to go to Singapore and then onto Nepal. She sounded relieved that they had got there and were finally on their way. I hope to see them when they come back. According to John's itinerary, they will be back in Sydney on 11th November and hope to come here for a few days. That way they can catch up with Mum and Uncle Archie.

Simon came in about 3.30 and said they were going to Lou's for tea. That left only 3 for tea. I rang Andrew to see if he was coming home for tea and he said he was just leaving Uni and he would be home.

Simon got the boys organised and left for Lou's. Andrew came in about 6.30 and said he was not having tea and wouldn't be home. Bit peeved as we had waited for him to have our tea and meat had defrosted for the bar-b-que. Anyway, what can you do with family!!!

Had tea and I went to bed as there was nothing on TV and I had 2 recipe books that I hadn't finished. I never heard the boys come home but Sandy was still up.

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