Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday 30th

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. I was up early this morning to hang the washing out and when it is dry, remake the 2 boys beds. Sandy was up at 5.45 as he couldn't sleep.

Andrew went to get Sophie as she had a surf carnival on at Towradgi.

Simon dropped the boys off and today is Ty's birthday. He is 11 and is excited.

We got him a basketball and money, Simon, Lou and Jordangot him iPod Touch, money from Marilyn and John, Jack got him some Lego (he absolutely loves Lego) and heaps of other things.

They had their breakfast and Grandad went in to watch Sophie. I stayed behind and tidied up and vacuumed through. I have to make some pasta sauce as I had defrosted some mince yesterday and don't want it to go off.

Grandad is home and said that Sophie didn't do as well as expected. He said Andrew was a bit disappointed. Andrew left Sophie at the carnival as he had to take Hannah to violin lesson and then he will go back for Sophie when she is finished.

This afternoon we are going to Bulli Primary School fete. Grandma and Auntie Steph & kids are coming down to take Jack and Ty to the fete. At least it is not raining and the sun is shining and a beautiful day is in the making.

Just about to get lunch as it is 12 noon and I have made the pasta sauce and will let it cook for 2 hours.

Andrew arrived home with Hannah and Sophie right on lunch time. They came to see Ty for his birthday. Wouldn't have any lunch as they were on their way to the fete. Andrew was on the chocolate wheel. They had received some fabulous donations for the wheel. About 42 spins, $2 a go, and about 3 prizes each time. Then they have 8 @ $5 each which are better than the $2, if possible.

Grandma and Steph and her 3 children came and got the boys. We went down also and spent a bit of money. They were starting to get a good roll up. Thank goodness the rain decided to stay away. We came on home about 3.30 and left them at it.

Grandma said she will have the boys home in time for going with their Dad to Lou's.

Last night we decided to go to Japan. We rang Le and Lien (who we met on our last trip of China)and said yes. Wally & Helen are going also. We leave on 9 April 2011. This will go round quick, again.

Will inform you about our itinerary later.

After Simon had taken the boys to Lou's, we had a prawn salad for our tea and thoroughly enjoyed it. We watched Australia play New Zealand in the Union in Hong Kong and Australia had a win. Broke the drought of New Zealand winning.

Went to bed after that and read for a while.

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