Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday 22nd

We got the boys off to school, Simon to work, Andrew to work and we got ready to go to Sydney.

I had given Sandy 2 tickets to see The Jersey Boys tonight at the 8pm session for his birthday. They do the story of Frankie Valli. We are going to stay in Sydney for the night.

We got the 9.20 train and changed at Thirroul for the 9.27. We got to Sydney about 10.45 and went to our hotel near Darling Harbour. It was called The Capitol Hotel. The room was ready so we put our bag in and explored more of Sydney.
The room was very basic with a bed and on-suite. The floor boards were creaky but it was clean and we only wanted to put our heads down for the night. We went down to Paddy's Markets and had a look around.
There were lots of people there (mainly Asians) getting ready for the weekend, I think. They have the most beautiful fruit and vegetables and some we don't even know what they are. They cater alot for the Asian cooking more than for the Westerners.
We had our lunch (an all day breakfast) which was really yummy.
We left there and went up the town and had a good look around. Bought a bottle of wine and a few things for when we go home. The Queen Victoia Basement was having a 'closing down sale' and you just couldn't go past without looking in. I love Sydney and just seeing all the walks of life going past. It is amazing.
We came back to a pub that we have been to before and had a drink. It was just underneath our hotel. It is a Irish pub so we thought we would come back here for out tea.
Went back and had a rest then went for more walking.
Back to the room and had a shower and then off to tea. Sandy had Irish sausages, mash and gravy and I had a chicken dish with salad. It wasn't too bad either.
Walked up to the Capitol Theatre which only took about 25 minutes. It was such a lovely afternoon. Got to the theatre and the crowd was starting to gather.
We had really good seats. In the middle of the row and about 9 rows from the front.
What a show!! It was amazing and the guy who played Frankie Valli was just unreal. The 4 seasons were brilliant. In fact, the whole cast was awesome. I think we could have sat through another 3 hours of singing.
Walked back to our hotel and needless to say neither of us were tired. Ended up turning the light off about 12.45am. A good day was had by both of us.

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