Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday 18th

Sandy got up just after Simon. Simon had trouble waking Jack this morning. He was really tired. We had breakfast and Simon went off to work. Andrew had taken Hannah for a swim as Sophie was on the school camp the same as Ty.

The camp was for 5th and 6th class called "A Seniors Camp".

Sandy went to his gym as he hadn't been the last Friday (supervising) or yesterday (supervising) and tomorrow he is going to the Motor Car Show with Wally and Doug so they won't be there tomorrow either. We have supervision on Thursday from 9.25 to 12 and Friday we are going to Sydney to see The Jersey Boys and won't be home until Saturday some time late.

Needless to say the gym will have to take 2nd spot for a couple of weeks until the HSC is finished. Then we have the School Certificate supervision but only for 2 weeks. We don't have any supervision for the HSC the following week and then the next Friday (5th Nov) from 9.25 to 12.30. That will be all for the HSC.

The School Certificate, we have from 9.25 to 11.30 & 12.50 to 3 on the 8th, same on the 9th and 9.25 - 12.30 on the 10th. Then we will be back to 'normal', whatever that means.

After Sandy had gone to the gym this morning, he said he would go to see his Mum also, I HAD to do some housework. The house is untidy and needed a good dusting. Only did the TV room, kitchen, dining room and 2 hallways today. That took me until nearly 12.30. The old boy came in and I cleaned out the fridge and got us some lunch.

I had a hot shower to get the frozen fingers working as cleaning out the freezer (and discarding food that had been there for ages and past it's 'use by' date), my hands were like blocks of ice.

It stopped raining this morning so I washed our sheets and towels and got them on the line. Hopefully they will be dry enough by this afternoon otherwise I will put them back out tomorrow.

I only have the 3 bedrooms to vacuum and dust tomorrow along with cleaning the bathroom and Andrew's room downstairs.

I will write more later when "something" happens to tell you about.

As you can imagine, nothing has happened to tell you news.

Jack came home on the bus with Ty. Poor little fellow had a heavy camp bag to carry. I went & met him up the road. Ended up putting all his clothes in the laundry and then washed them. He had a good time at the camp, he said.

Heath (back door neighbour's son) came over after tea to see us. He is such a lovely boy and now has his own son, Farron. He is a baby to die for. He is so good. Simon and his 2 boys then went over there and they were not back when I went to bed.

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