Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday 20th

The sun is shining brightly and you can imagine what I am going to do. That's right, wash (again).
Sandy went to the Motor Car Show with Wally and Doug. He was meeting them on the 9.17 train at Thirroul. Another day on my own!!!!
Ended up doing the 3 bedrooms and the bathroom. Cleaned the shower while I was in it and then went to Wally's to go our eggs, put petrol in the car, did the groceries, went to the chemist and came on home. It is just 1.30.
I will do some sewing while I wait for the boys to come in. Jack rode his bike today as he has sport. He should be home about 2.45. Ty took Noah this morning on the bus. Simon is off today so he was going to meet Lou before she tarted work & have coffee. He said maybe him and the boys are having tea with her and Jordon. He will let me know. Andrew rang me yesterday to say he wouldn't be home for tea and will be home later in the night. Maybe it will be only the 2 of us.
At the moment I am sewing a cushion to put on our bed. It is a very pale pink and the hardanger stitches are in a shade darker pink. I enjoy sewing as I find it relaxing and you have to concentrate, needless to say there isn't time to think of other things.
I don't know what time the old boy will be in but shouldn't be too late. I hope they have a good day . If not, it is their own fault. I think it does them good to have a day with just males. Hopefully he might get some ideas about what type of car he would like to buy next. Yesterday after he had seen his Mum, he stopped and had a look at a white Audi. I would love one of these cars. Not much change to be had from about $60,000. The Holden SV6 we have is only about 3 years old but the old boy has trouble reverse parking it. He says it is too wide for him.
Will write more later after sewing.
The boys are in from school. Time to get afternoon tea. Ty had a good day with his assignment. He said his presentation (verbally) went really well.
Simon is working late tonight so just Andrew, the 2 boys and us for tea.

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