Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday 29th

It is still overcast today but not to worry as I am on Public School canteen today. Sandy is going to a Financial Planning seminar at Kembla Grange and will leave about 8.30. Helen, Wally and Ando are going too. It goes from 9 until 3 and they give them a hot lunch and all the bit and pieces that go in between.
I left at 8.30 to go to canteen. There was only Nicole and me and oh! boy, were we busy. As their fete is on tomorrow from 2 - 8, every child that orders a lunch gets a free ticket to explore the haunted house. As guess what, every child just about ordered today.
I made 95 pikelets, we had both ovens going heating up food and in the end we had to get help. There were ladies there getting ready for the fete but we had to ask them to help. By the end of the lunch, we were exhausted. On counting up the money, we had the biggest canteen, so far this year. And our feet knew we had worked really hard.
Came on to the High School as I had ordered cooked prawns when I worked there on Tuesday. I picked them up and came on home.
Only beat the boys home by about 1/2 hour. Sandy got home about 4 and we just relaxed.
Simon was finishing work at 5.45 and I had to have the boys showered and ready for when he came in. They were going to Lou's again for tea. Just the 2 of us as Andrew was going to be late and then going out. Had the prawns with a salad and Sandy just had toast with cold meat as he had a hot lunch at the seminar.
The prawns were to die for. Sandy peeled them and deveined them for me.
Watched some TV and then into bed as Simon is dropped the boys off in the morning about 7.30 as he goes to work and Lou is work tomorrow also. He will pick them up on his way home.

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