Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday 25th

It rained again through the night but doesn't look too bad this morning. Sandy is off to his gym and I am going to tidy up and get the ironing done. Boy, does it mount up. Simon if off today and tomorrow so he was going to meet Lou before work for coffee and will be home later. Andrew has gone to work after taking the 2 girls swimming.

I had a phone call from one of the ladies who was doing High School canteen tomorrow asking if I could fill in for her as she was rostered to do supervision of the Higher School Certificate. Of course I said yes. Donna was her name and she asked if I could be there for 8.30. No problems.

I sent a text to Hannah that I would be there tomorrow and I will tell Jack when he gets home from school. Needless to say I had to finish the ironing.

I realised it was 12.45 and the old boy hadn't come home. I rang him on the mobile to find out where he was. He had been to the gym and then went to see his Mum. John was there as he had a Case Conference for Uncle Archie at 11.30am. Sandy ended up bringing him to town so he could get more money for their holidays.

Sandy came on home, had his lunch and then went to Thirroul Library (and still there as I write this) to change his books, so guess what he will be doing tomorrow while I am on canteen????

Will write more later as I am now off to have a shower as it is 2.20 and the boys will be home soon from school.

Sandy said that I made a mistake in the name of the theatre and hotel where I told you we saw the show and stayed. It should have been Theatre Royal and Capital Square Hotel. Probably doesn't mean all that much to you but put it right.

The boys came in from school and had their afternoon tea. Simon amused them for the afternoon and I think they appreciate having their Dad there for them, and not just for after tea etc.

After tea we watched some TV then the boys went to bed and I wasn't far behind them.

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