Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday 27th

Simon left early this morning as he had a meeting at 8.30 and takes about 3/4 hour to drive to Miranda. Jack rode his bike and Ty got the bus.
I am picking Ty and his mate up at 12.30 as they have to be at the High School to see what goes on when they go to High School. Even though they don't go until 2012, for the next 7 Wednesdays they will go to a subject that they will do and see how different High School is to Public School. They only go from 1 to 2.30 and they have to arrange their own transport to and from. I will take them as Ty's mate, Cameron, has a working Mum and she can't take him. Ty said Cameron's Mum is a hairdresser.
Sandy went to the gym and I did some housework. Today is Jeff's birthday so when I get Ty and Jack gets home, we will go and see him. We won't stay too late as I have to get home and get our tea.
I will write more this afternoon.
Back again. Ty thoroughly enjoyed going to High School for the 1-1/2 hours. Today he did HSIE. They showed him how this subject is done etc. I picked him up at 2.30 and took Cameron back to school to get his bus to his home. Bought Ty home and Andrew came in the door. He was going to work from home.
He then got a phone call that Diane had had a car accident. She was on her way to take Hannah to the Orthodontist when a guy went through a red light just as she was about to make a right hand turn into a street. They were not hurt but Hannah had some shock but the car is written off. At first they thought Hannah might have to go to hospital but she was OK. Sandy went down to get Sophie from school as she was to go board training with her Dad and if he wasn't there, she wouldn't know what was going on. Doesn't rain but it pours. Needless to say we didn't get to see Jeff for his birthday but will go tomorrow.
Jeff rang later to see how Hannah was and invited us for lunch tomorrow as my cousin Anne and her husband Brian (who are travelling nomads also) would be there. Said yes we would come and will take something for lunch.
Rang Hannah to see how she was after Andrew had dropped them home. Diane said that Hannah was OK but in shock and that she had a little bit of whiplash. Andrew then took the other car up to her as he has a Company car for getting to and from work.
Andrew came back and cooked a bar-b-que for us for tea and then he went and played 7 aside soccer. He had his tea when he came home but I went to bed just after the boys.

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