Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday 28th

It is overcast this morning and has rained through the night. Simon has gone to work and Jack & Ty off to school. I am going to get my nails done and come home to get Sandy to go to Sandra and Jeff's for lunch. Will write more when we come home.
We had the most delightful lunch. They had slow cooked lamb on a Webber bar-b-que and it was absolutely scrumptious. Had various salads with it and also prune cake with caramel sauce. Yummo.
We had quite a few laughs looking at old photos. Sandra is doing a Family Tree of Dad's side of the family. Do you open a can of worms when you start!!! Some of the things that we have found out today, we didn't know existed.
She had old photos of us all taken when we were babies or very young. Some I had even forgotten about. Dad, Mum, Nan, Dad's Mum and Dad, Sandra, me and all our cousins. We are all there. I am going to have a day with Sandra soon to have a good look at them.
Just waiting for the boys to come in from school. It is just 3.20 so they shouldn't be too far away.
Will write more later.
The boy's are in and afternoon tea time. They had a good day at school. Jack took his material as he is making a bean bag. Simon got him some denim and this is what he is going to make it out of. It takes quite alot of material, about 5m. Probably cost more to make than to buy one. Anyway, it is experience for him and marks go towards his end of year exams.
Simon came in from work and the boys were ready to go to Lou's for tea. Just Andrew, Sandy and me for tea.
We had tea and I went to bed and left them watching TV.

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