Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday 6th

Decided to strip all the beds (except ours) and get them ready for when they all come home. Got the washing done and on the line (including some washing on Nerri's line). Got some tidying up done while Sandy went down the road to get the few groceries we need.
It is overcast but, fingers crossed, the washing will dry.
Not a lot doing today so will scrub the shower and then have my shower.
Sandy is going to mow the lawns before it rains. Nerri is calling me to get the washing as it is starting to rain. Wouldn't you know it!!
Got the boy's school clothes on the line in the garage and the rest can go out tomorrow, hopefully.
Not an exciting day but at least we are here.
Andrew left early this morning to go to Sydney. He has a luncheon for work and he will stay in Sydney for the night and come home tomorrow.
Made tea for the 2 of us and watched the 4 Nations League between Australia and New Zealand, and later tonight, the Wallabies play Wales in the Union. As it is on late, we will probably get it again tomorrow.
Into bed and read for a while and will write more tomorrow.

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