Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday 4th

It rained through the night again. It is overcast but not too bad. Jack and Ty took Noah to school on the bus this morning. Natalie goes to meet her sister in Hawaii tomorrow. Her sister comes from USA so I would like to be a fly on the wall when they meet. She is only away for a week and Greg's Mum and Dad are coming up to help Greg mind Noah and Kennedy.
Did some ironing this morning until it was time to have a shower and go to get my hair cut at 12.
Hair grows and you can't do a thing with it.
Sandy went in to see his Mum this morning. She was still having a confused day. He stayed long enough as she couldn't be bothered doing anything.
He came home and had his lunch and I came in about an hour later.
Finished off the ironing and waited for the boys to come in from school.
All I seem to write about is getting up, boys going to school, who is where etc.
Simon is working late tonight. He starts at 2.15 and goes until 9.15pm. Needless to say, there is only the 4 of us for tea. The boys are going to make their own pizza and I will make one for Grandad and me. They are quite interested in each making their own. Jack has cabonassi, bacon, 2 cheeses and Ty has pineapple pieces & bacon with small amounts of 2 cheeses.
It is just 4.45 so will away and get our tea ready and Jack & Ty can get theirs ready too.
The pizzas were yummo and Jack & Ty ate a whole one each. They followed this up with ice cream then a cup of tea. Where do they put it all?
Watched some TV then into bed.

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